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  Our strength is our passion for serving people.

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“Our strength is our passion for serving people.”

Philosophy of Services

Support, Inc. views the consumer as embedded within numerous systems that play an integral role with development and daily functioning.  Each individual is unique and impacted by the various systems within their lives, particularly family, community, school and vocation.  In order to fully understand a consumers functioning and needs, the whole unique individual and the various systems within their lives need to be assessed.  Advocating for the best interest of the consumer and family by making appropriate, timely, and accurate referrals, as well as empowering consumers by focusing on recovery is at the crux of Support Incorporated’s philosophy. 


Philosophy of Collaboration

Support Incorporated understands that being a fully cooperating partner is essential to developing quality services for consumers and their families.  We recognize that effective partnerships require on-going communication that is non-judgmental, goal oriented, and consumer focused.


Support Inc. realizes in order to work collaboratively we must strive to be responsive to consumers and their families, the person-centered team and all other’s involved. Support, Inc. strongly believes that professionalism, commitment and dedication within the service provision are all cornerstones in working in a collaborative manner.





For more information, please contact us at: Information@supportinc.org

Administrative Office
Phone: 704-865-3529
Fax: 704-865-3010

Outpatient/Intake Evaluation Department
Phone:  704-865-3525
Fax:  704-865-3520

"To be a cooperating partner in implementing services that are based on individual need"

© Copyright 1999-2012 Support Inc.